3 Phenix City Rankings From Niche.com

Phenix City Rankings From Niche.com

We talk about “finding our niche” throughout our lives. Our interests. Where we fit in. Where we’d like to live. If you’ve ever surfed the net for college rankings, career options, or neighborhood benefits, you may have landed on Niche.com. From placing cities on a pecking order to company reviews, Niche.com serves as an online resource for those seeking more. And Phenix City rankings from Niche.com place our city on the map.

Most Diverse Suburbs

According to Phenix City rankings from Niche.com, our city places third out of almost 100 in diversity. In Alabama, Phenix City ranks among the most diverse suburbs in the entire state. Based on reviews, and a gamut of other metrics, Phenix City has earned an “A” rating in this criterion. That’s quite an accolade!

Our city takes third as a result of our mixture of families and young professionals, above-average public schools, and varying age ranges. Though, one look at our mosaic of cultures might just hint at why we landed near the top!

Most Diverse Places

Following along that same vein, Phenix City also ranks fifth out of almost 260 places for diversity in Alabama. Fellow residents describe the people of Phenix City as both friendly and helpful.

A sense of community also stands out, with 50 percent of respondents reporting a solid community vibe. Residents also feel that numerous lifestyles are widely accepted. And promising Phenix City rankings from Niche.com don’t stop there!

Best Suburbs for Young Professionals

It seems that Phenix City is a great place to live for those just beginning their careers. Our city ranks in the top 30 of Alabamian suburbs for young professionals. A vibrant community, access to major metropolis, and plentiful job opportunities may help ensure this to continue!


As these Phenix City rankings from Niche.com suggest, no matter where you find yourself in life, Phenix City, Alabama has a lot to offer. You’ll fit in perfectly here.

Where else will you fit in well? With us at Clover Leaf! You’ll be feeling lucky here in no time, and you don’t have to take our word for it. Learn more about our lifestyle online. For more fascinating Phenix City facts, feel free to scan through our blog when you get a chance!